Oregon Country Fair with Camping Extension, day 1
Last Wednesday Bill gave me a lesson in pulling Brave Horatio along after. He behaves very nicely, taking corners just about the same as LuluBelle. They’re a pretty sweet pair.

Bill had meetings Friday morning but I had the day off. Even though we were pretty well organized, I stopped at Fred Meyers after dropping him at work and bought a few last minute things. Picked Sarah up so she could take Max the Blue Meanie home for a luxury week with a non-human-powered vehicle. Hope she doesn’t get lazy.
Packed, checked lists, packed, and packed some more.
I started off to get Bill—late.
Had to swing by Sarah’s to rescue a state parks pass (that we didn’t need) from the blue car.
Finally picked up Bill about two.
Friday afternoon was gorgeous, lunch at Burgerville delicious, and the thought of Amy and Dave waiting at our rental with salad Nicoise lovely.
The little rental house at Bennett Vineyards & Wine Company was prefect!
We brought our salad Nicoise to the tasting room and danced to the DJ. (To be more accurate, mostly Amy danced, but she danced enough for all if us.)