Oystercatchers rarely eat oysters

Shakedown Cruise, day 4, Simpson Reef and Shore Acres

Little groggy this morning

Coffee and granola, quick check-in visit with dad and on to Simpson Reef and Shore Acres. As always, lots of pinnipeds, no elephant seals today though.

We met a young, very social, beginning birder.

I think I’ll have a hobby.

and his little sister

The freckled-stomach robins are the teenagers

We shared our scope so he could see oystercatchers (she was on to other things).

Now I know that oystercatchers rarely eat oysters. They like mussels, cockles, and easier-to-open things. Beginning birders determined to have a hobby read the entire entry.

Lovely sunny day. Not much wind and lots and lots of whale spouts (no penises).

Crow couple

Back at mom and dad’s we made corned beef and cabbage, visited a bit and slept snug and uninterrupted in Brave Horatio—both phones turned UP.

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