Shakedown Cruise, day 7,
Q-Creek Campground
Bill cooked a ton of bacon and we ate it with eggs.
Camping without kids is a different kind of nice. There seem to be so many more hours in the day. Bill took two naps, we walked through the woods to the creek (together this time) and the tom turkey startled us on the way back. The camp host told us later that he was extra proud this year, having doubled his hens from one to two.
I didn’t know turkeys could move so fast. I didn’t know they were so BIG.
We quickly decided on another path and I chose and carried a sturdy turkey stick.
For the rest of our stay Bill took great pleasure in hiding out of sight and making turkey gobbles.
No worries, I had my stick.

More hammock time, more river, more reading, more naps.
For dinner we cooked hot dogs over a second great campfire. Briquets helped the soggy wood dry out and we got some nice coals.
I used a Myrtle sucker as a hot dog stick. It smelled great in the fire but I didn’t notice any difference in taste.
Partly charred hot dog is just as joyous now as it is in my memory.
We experimented with dry Myrtle leaves. They burn in a quick hurry.