The wait

A company of two can be efficient, but quality doesn’t always translate to quick. We weren’t the only ones charmed by the Oregon Trail’r guys and their designs. That worked out well for us. We didn’t quite have all the cash and our schedules were too packed to allow camping.

When we placed our order one group of six teardrops was under construction and another planned.  We were in the third batch, about two years out. 

Two years is plenty of time to encompass anticipation and second guessing. Mostly we forgot unless we were looking for the perfect bedding, or camp plates, or unwrapping the totally cool Tiktaalik super slim kitchen knives gifted us by super great friends.

Oregon Trail’r sent us a video of our flight of teardrops hatching and snapshots as they progressed. I worried that the curtains would be ugly (they’re not), that we should have ditched the front rack in favor of the expensive extra interior storage (nope, we need that rack, it’s the perfect size for our 58 quart Orca cooler and a double stack of roughneck tubs that hold chocks, propane, huge asymmetrical purple tarp, hammock, and other essentials), and on and on.

We sorted through our existing gear. Kept the speckleware mugs, percolator, and dutch oven, decided the stove was too wimpy, and fell in love all over again with Bill’s family’s heirloom soapbox.

Bill’s family’s soap box is ready for new adventures

We started to play house in earnest.  I thought a wool blanket topped with a down comforter would sleep us through all kinds of temperatures. We love Eighth Generation, but the blankets available at the time didn’t grab me.  Pendleton’s Preston Singletary-inspired Raven and the Box of Knowledge did and, thanks to generous birthday and Christmas checks,  it joined our growing pile of teardrop supplies.

I gave in to the urge to glamp. I’m in my fifties,  I can do what I want. No gingham checks or cowboy prints,  but plenty of good design and comfort. My camp flatware is fancy and we ordered wine glass racks for the galley. I found marvelous virtual-colored double wall stainless coffee mugs.  Once for each of us (I like my coffee with cream).

I like cream in my coffee, Bill prefers his without. These virtual color mugs are perfect.