Adventures with a spinning singing candle

Seal Rock Campground

It was supposed to be a noon start, but Bill’s lunch was frustratingly slow [Happy Birthday Marc] and he didn’t pick me up until 1:30. Oh well. We skipped getting shellfish permits and headed out into a beautiful afternoon.

Off to Seal Rock, a rare National Forest Service campground located on salt water.

Even behind the chip truck we made pretty good time.

Gerald and Carol with their pop-up A-frame were about 15 minutes ahead of us. They found two neighboring spots and another across the road. Pretty lucky since it was the last weekend of shrimping season.

We pulled Brave Horatio into the spot next to Carol and Gerald’s setup. Brave Horatio is sporting new dividers in his utensil drawer—pretty slick.

Bill covets Gerald’s axe

I hung my hammock next to the C-G campfire and walked to the beach. It was covered with oysters. Oysters shining in the sun and me without my shellfish permit. I poked at oysters, tipped over rocks to pester tiny crabs, and tossed pebbles into the sunny water.

Mt. Rainier over Hood Canal

For dinner we enjoyed duck breast, quinoa, and a mango-pomegranate-avocado salad around a lovely campfire… and we talked.

We totally did not notice the group that set up a couple tents and a picnic table kitchen in the spot we’d reserved for Mark and Jess—the one LuluBelle was parked in. I guess they didn’t notice the BIG RED vehicle in the camp spot when they parked along the road.

It worked out fine.

Mark and Jess, on their inaugural trip with their new TAB teardrop, set up in the campsite driveway and worked it out in the morning. (The interlopers left with no heated emotions.)

We celebrated Mark and Carol’s birthdays with a fantastic chocolate-beet cake and everyone laughed at the sparkler-flamed flower candle that spun and sang.

It just kept spinning and singing so I stomped it.

That worked for a few minutes…then the singing started again!

Another stomp killed it dead.

Happy Birthday Dammit!

Great Blue Heron