Spring Trip to the Redwoods

Olympia-Charleston-Smith River-Medford-Olympia, May 2019

We planned this trip with Jess and Mark for 2018, but somehow it didn’t happen until the next year.

Sunset Bay State Park

  • Day 1: Buying fish off boats, “ain’t no bigger than a bar of soap”

Jeddediah Smith State Park

  • Day 2, travelling down the Oregon Coast
  • Day 3, rocks are really heavy
  • Day 4, botanical trail
  • Day 5, rocks, snakes, and magnificent trees
  • Day 6, Battery Point lighthouse

Bruce and Jo’s house in Medford

  • Day 7, Redwood Highway to Medford with stop at Smokejumper Museum
  • Day 8: Celebrating Mark’s birthday with a drift trip on the Rogue
  • Day 9: Exploring Cottage Grove on the way home